February 16th, 2025 · La Vida
“Faeries, come take me out of this dull world,
For I would ride with you upon the wind,
Run on the top of the dishevelled tide,
And dance upon the mountains like a flame.”
― W.B. Yeats, The Land of Heart’s Desire

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I love,
January 14th, 2025 · La Vida

that I am in love with the Landscape all around me :-). I feel like I live in a valley of flowing healthy water and ecletic abundance and landscape variation up the wazoo! I savour that feeling and love that I savour it.
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She likes Beauty
November 19th, 2024 · La Vida

We are here to tease out, witness and absorb BEAUTY
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Goofy Silly playful Fun
October 21st, 2024 · La Vida
Feels so good to be Playful and Happy 🙂

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June 14th, 2024 · La Vida
Your life force is the only valuable thing you have on Earth. You are not held accountable for how much you buy, but why you bought it. You are not held accountable for what you did, but why you did it. There are no secrets in the universe – in the energetic world. All is transparent. Everything is known. Every single choice you make and why you’re doing it. So you can deny your motives, for example, even to yourselves. But it’s a laugh because the truth is always known, which is why all the great teachers have always said the truth will set you free.
I deeply believe that your Light is your life force. It is the fuel that we direct into every choice we make. It is what we call energy until we are conscious enough of its power to realize that this Light within is, at its more evolved state, the essence of the Divine. — Carolyn Myss

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Hi! I just stumbled across this post and had to reach out. This is our boat! We purchased Marissa this…