Wind And Waves

Living and Loving

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July 15th, 2006 · No Comments · La Vida

The very first picture after purchasing my NEW CAMERA!!!! (thank you mom for my early Birthday present!) Fin took us to town to check out a few camera stores. I found a Cannon A530 5 mega-pixel and was quite happy.

Afterwards, Fin drove on us a little “scenic Miri” drive, to test out the new camera. On top of a hill that looks over Miri is the cities First oil drill, called The Grand Old Lady, which is not in operation anymore. They’ve set up replica people to show oil was once drilled. The city of Miri earns roughly 20 million a year from their oil drilling! (mostly offshore)

Here is a picture of Grand Old Lady lookinng upwards. Its like looking at life, there are many paths but there is also just kinda a way layed out before you.

Sunset over Miri and the scene that Fin and Jeremy were looking at…….

as they discussed the future of Miri! Fin plays a large role in its development.

Here is my new best friend Anna. She is the bosom buddy I’ve always wanted. We’ve had hours of conversation paddling all around the Marina.

Johny is going scuba diving! One of his many skills that have come in to play, in getting Contessa to Thailand. We sprung some leaks in the bow, so Johny is diving under the boat with epoxy to try and patch them up.

I found that climbing the mast is a great way to get some climbing exercise, an adrenaline rush, feel the full breeze, have some time to myself, while still allowing for you to see whats going on and gain a new perspective of where you at!

Heres the view of the marina we are staying at.

“The China Man” can’t hear, so all of our conversations are hand gestures. He is telling them how to fix the starter motor. Conversations with “The China Man” have been a lot of fun. Its amazing how far you can get without words.


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