They put us up at the river front hotel, where I had a hotel room all to myself with two sets of French doors that opened to the Miranda that overlooked the ocean. This was where we were to stay for a couple days while we did the short races. And then it was off […]
Entries from September 16th, 2006
Back to the States for August
September 16th, 2006 · No Comments · La Vida
With the engine torn apart and parts needed from the states and an important family reunion and wedding fast approaching, it seemed like the perfect thing to go back to the states for the month of August. And Grandma (bless her heart!) made this happen. Here is a picture of the cousins, minus Evan and […]
A Trip To Brunei
September 14th, 2006 · No Comments · La Vida
Here are Ana and Courtney while we are underway. They are two of the most talented girls I have met. Courtney at 14 is already quite a writer and sees the world through the perspective of potential stories. Its very interesting to read her writing and and see how she creates characters who then create […]
Hi! I just stumbled across this post and had to reach out. This is our boat! We purchased Marissa this…