Wind And Waves

Living and Loving

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Cruising the Land of Canyons

October 25th, 2007 · No Comments · La Vida

Fred had a Corvette. I’d never ridden in one before and frankly I’d prefer the speed of a moto and the feeling of leaning hard through the curves but the feeling of the speedy car hanging tight to the curves no matter how fast we took them, was an amazing sensation. You can feel the g-force, almost like in a plane. We went on a long drive through the Canyon Lands, the leaves changing and the sunset lighting and great company made it one of the most memorable drives I’ve been on! We stopped at the Needles Outpost where Fred’s friends live and operate a small gas/food place. It seemed like a dreamy job, living out in nature miles away from civilization and getting to meet an array of folks from all over the globe who are attracted to the Canyon Lands through various passions. It took some time to wait for our hamburgers but it was well worth the wait, they were the most delicious hearty hamburgers and they were made with such love! I didn’t even have room left for ice cream. When we were leaving, I asked them if I could get a picture with them, I felt silly, I don’t usually go for these kinds of photos but the whole experience felt pretty special to me.


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