Wind And Waves

Living and Loving

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You Never Know

March 31st, 2008 · No Comments · La Vida

I just got back from Moab a few hours ago. Walked into my house. Strange to be back………I could have stayed in Moab another few weeks. Its always VERY hard for me to leave Moab. Hmmm. When I got home, I went straight to a yoga class with a teacher whom I really like.
Tomorrow is knee surgery for me, which means no more yoga for awhile. I’m so scared! I think the scariest thing about this surgery is that I know exactly what I’m getting into because I had the same surgery in my other Knee (ACL! I love soccer…..but my body doesn’t) This time though, I’m gonna ask the anesthesiologist to knock me out. Last time I watched the whole surgery on video as they worked. It was a fascinating learning experience but the week afterward when my knee hurt like hell all I could do was imagine the images of them cutting and grinding the inside of my knee.
Yoga tends to stretch you out and open you up emotionally. Some yoga sessions are pretty powerful in that way. At my session today, I couldn’t stop the tears from streaming down my face. As I lay there on my back all I could do was think about what I had seen on my drive home from Moab.
After a hot sunny trip to Moab the drive home surprised us. It was dumping snow! A typical spring storm. Julia and I were laughing because a couple years ago we had done a trip together to Mexico and on our drive back we got stuck in a huge Snowstorm. So thats twice we’ve come back tanned and totally relaxed only to hit a huge snow storm. Such a contrast.
Welcome to Colorado!
Oh Man. I-70 Westbound had a 70 car pile up. We were headed Eastbound so we passed it soon after it happened. Wow. It was shocking to see. Semis jackknifed, cars upside down, under other cars, on top of cars, smashed…….it was horrible. It reminded me of going to the car junkyard with my brother, looking for car parts. I think one of the hardest parts about the scene was it went on and on and on and on. Unreal. The other hardest part of the scene was that I could so easily empathize with all the drivers and passengers. They were probably all going to Moab. No, not really but there were dirt bike trailers in the crash. Their trips have been totally changed, thats for sure. Only 1 person died……….so far as they know….and lots of broken bones. Bless their souls, I hope everyone makes it through this experience okay.

Julia and I came through just after the emergency Vehicles were showing up so as we passed we had the unsettling knowledge that perhaps people were still in their cars, hurt,trapped……whatever.
Sure makes me think how dangerous driving can be and how quickly things can change.
I was excited to write a blog entry today about a fantastically fast moto ride with Fred In Moab, that let my spirit fly……but I think I’ll save that one for another day……..all I can think of tonight is the result of a crash.


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