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Rupa & The April Fishes

April 17th, 2008 · No Comments · La Vida

I discovered this band today on NPR. Learning about them was incredibly inspiring and their music brings me to tears. Something inside of me really connects. In her interviews, Rupa talks about transcending borders and the bands entire manifestion seems to expemplify this! Their music is pulled from a lot of different styles woven together. They sing in French, English, Hindi and Spanish. Rupa splits her time between being a rockstar……and being a doctor! ( She just finished her residencies) A lot of her songs are inspired by the fragile walk between life and death that she sees everyday.

“these folks are the shining embodiment of globalization-gone-good…As someone who has very fond memories of drunken trots through impromptu street parties during last year’s World Cup, let me just say that Rupa and the April Fishes remind me of those festive convergences in which folks from all over the world would get together to kick it up, regardless of language barrier.”–Todd Lavoie, SF Bay Guardian

Click on the link below to see an interview with Rupa.

Listen to her music


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