Wind And Waves

Living and Loving

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Another List

May 26th, 2008 · No Comments · La Vida

Summer Time !!! I love summer time. Its such a happy, blooming time. I’m coming out of hibernation after having had, honestly, a really great, introspective winter. Now, I’m soo excited for summer! I don’t exactly know what I’m going to do yet (especially for money) but I’ve got lots of ideas cookin!

•    Travel around the country on my moto, taking pictures and blogging (riding a lot of the transcontinental trail)
•    Rafting trip through Moab
•    Trip to Seattle/Portland
•    Camp and explore Moab for awhile
•    Visit Aunt Ana’s family in Cape Cod and relatives in New Hampshire
•    Buy Motorcycle 🙂
•    Buy a Sailboat 🙂
•    Travel up to Alaska on a moto and find a place to get my pilots license
•    Go to Southern India with my Yoga instructor (what a great experience!)
•    Writing Conference in New Mexico with Natalie Goldberg
•    Sail for the summer (out of Portland women sailing club………or jump on a boat sailing in the ocean)
•    Work!!!!!?!!
•    Climbing trip to Portero Chico, Mexico
•    Speak more Spanish!
•    Prepare for motorcycle trip through Mexico
•    Visit friends in Australia from SV Reflections IV (they have no idea this is on my list!)
•    Visit my fun loving relatives in England (I have always wanted to do this!!)
•    Spiritual/challenging trip with Julia.

As a friend pointed out to me last week, What a dreamer I am!…….But what is life all about anyway??!


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