This picture was taken around 11pm. I was in a great mood from inspired,summery dinner conversation with my mom. Life was feeling profound! As I turned off on speer a view of the moon rising over the city opened up. It was breathtaking. I veered off the road to try to take a photograph and met a fellow my age doing the exact same thing! He had just gotten back from S.America and was full of stories. There was an immediate comfortability between us, I think because of the odd circumstances. He was excited that I had the particular kind of camera I did because he has been wanting one. We both worked to learn how to use it and set it up for a night shot. By the time I finally got some shots off, the spectacular low moon was fairly high in the sky but the picture still turned out Ok.
As we said our goodbyes and I drove off, I was thinking about learning. Just in that short encounter I had learned SO much about my camera! Its hard to motivate to go to a “class” when your learning experience can be so free flowing and exciting.
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