Wind And Waves

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Hydrogen Fuel Cells

May 8th, 2008 · No Comments · La Vida

Here is a great shot of Jerm working in the garage on his fuel cell. This is his big new project lately. I’m kind of hovering on the outskirts of it, hopping to get involved somehow. He met a fellow the other day who designs hydrogen cells for cars which increases the fuel efficiency by 50%!!! The fellow he met, has done some inventive work on it, something he could keep secret and probably go into booming business over but because of the strong desire to have the cars more environmental, he shared his work with Jeremy (who was thrilled) over a couple Saturdays. They got a fuel cell installed in one of Jerm’s cars, a pearly white, leather seats,shaded windows, Jetta Passat he brought back to life. Wes totalled the other car he had fixed up, a couple months ago! (luckily, Wes is fine but it was a bit scary and he was a bit shaken up) So tonight, after a day of working on a fuel cell for Jimmy’s car (he can design them to fit in any car), Jeremy left for San Fran. His plan is pick up our Cousin Alex in Vail, who’s on break from his rigorous Architecture degree program and zoom off to San Fran to visit with our Cousin Matt who is living the life in downtown San Fran. He’s hoping the fuel cell does indeed save lots and lots of gas. Nothing like a road trip to figure these things out. As the sun is setting he pulls out of the driveway and drives off. I must admit, I am SO envious! A road trip right about now would suit me just wonderfully. I’m losing patience with the “super cute” kids I’m teaching and the days feel hard. NOT to mention that I heard, through the great vine, (thats seems to be how you hear everything at my school… would be fascinating to study organizational psychology…… keeping everything a secret really the best way??) that I’m taking over two math classes. I wonder if I will get any say in this? ANd I really wonder……can I handle the classroom management part of it and ensure that these kids get a good education in math?? Ahh, so often I just want to fly away. Does anyone else ever feel this way?? I think perhaps I’m more cut out to be a bush pilot……………than a school teacher…I never can seem to get all the rules straight!


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