Wind And Waves

Living and Loving

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Two Englishmen

October 3rd, 2008 · No Comments · La Vida

My time in Moab has been unbelievable. Every day, something magical seems to happen. I’m really enjoying the small town feel and being surrounded by happy people who are here because there is no place they’d rather be. The striking beauty here never dulls. Cliffs spanning into the sky, the Bright green trees, the Blue, blue sky the raging river the bright starry nights…..I can’t even capture in words. It’s simply amazing here.

Every day……….and thats no exaggeration, Everyday so far I’ve met someone or some people who are SOO interesting, I mean really.  Either in the bookstore or Moto shop.  I’d like to do a “Customer Of The Day” section for my Blog… try and illustrate some of the amazing people and stories I’ve heard!

These English guys came through, doing the TransAm trail on their BMW’s they exported over from the UK. While Fred put new tires on for them, Jeremy, Peggy and I hung out and listened and shared stories. They kept us Laughing for nearly two hours straight, telling us about their experiences and impressions of America and Americans. Patrick (on the left) works as security for the Prime Minister (our equivalent of Secret Service) and has the ability to run miles and miles and miles. The other Fellow, Iain… getting married soon and is doing his best to get back from this adventure alive, so life as a happily married man can begin! Its Patrick’s job to get him home safely.
These guys had me laughing harder than I’ve laughed in a long time. Wish I could go with them!


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