Wind And Waves

Living and Loving

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Customer of the Day!

October 5th, 2008 · No Comments · La Vida

So, this fellow came into the bookstore carrying his IMac bigscreen computer, like it was a laptop. He asked me where there might be a plug. I set him up in kinda an odd spot because customers were using the other plugs. He got himself all set up on the floor of the bookstore with his big screen Imac. It was hilarious! A sight you don’t see everyday. I noticed how it brought a feeling of togetherness to the store. Some were curious as to what he was doing and so they talked to him. Some chuckled to their neighbor about how funny this guy looked. I was serving up coffee in the front and talking to some folks about the changing of the leaves and how BEAUTIFUL it is on the Colorado passes and up in the Sals right now. The fellow on the big screen held up his monitor and shouted acrosss the bookstore for me to look at his picture from the La Sals. On the screen I looked at, bobbing in the air, were yellow and red aspen leaves towering into the blue sky. Gorgeous. It was a fun moment. I kept chuckling to myself thinking about this guy walking in like he was carrying a laptop and setting it up like it was no big deal. I was suppose to close at 8:00 but everyone was having such a good time and customers kept walking in a wanting coffee………that I stayed open another 45 min. The fellow with the big screen left me a $10 tip. Yeah!


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