Wind And Waves

Living and Loving

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Pulling Capricorn Cat Out of the Water

December 14th, 2008 · No Comments · La Vida

Taking the Cat out of the water, is a very scary process. This boat is Wayne and Carols home and investment. A lot of pre-thought has to go into so it can be pulled off smoothly with no scratches….and something worse but we won’t even talk about what could happen. The evening before, we went around the boat in a dingy and Wayne marked the strong parts of the boat where the straps were to go.

Carol and Wayne working on getting the side board up so the straps can fit underneath

The “straps” I keep referring to.

Here she is. Strange seeing a boat out of the water….its so not natural.

Here the fellow are, fixing it. And Wayne keeping a close watch and knowing his engineering mind…..learning how to do it on his own.

He caught no quickly and was in there, in no time.

After the relief of having the job almost completed (still had to put the cat back in the water) There was some relaxed time for a photo.

And………some time for Eric and I to play around!

Almost as quickly as we had come….we left.  In under three hours we had been pulled the cat out and had a part fixed.  Everything went very smoothly.  On the boat we all gave each other a big “Salud, nice work Team!” High fives and hugs.  I could feel Wayne and Carols relief at the job having gone so successfully.


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