Wind And Waves

Living and Loving

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Party at Christmas

January 18th, 2009 · No Comments · La Vida

Christmas! It so didn’t feel like Christmas. I hardly ever got that Christmas “feel” But, as usual we had a blast. While  Skip worked on getting the boat ready, I made up a salad (with lots of chopped vegies because by now, I have gotten quite good at it) and some salsa that Skip taught my how to make (its pretty darn good…..)  We went to Philos where lots of creative dishes. The food was delicious and everyone seemed festive and happy to be there. I met some amazing people that night. (I know, I say this all the time, I just keep being surprised about how amazing people are!) There were these two women who sat at our table who had sailed all over the world. There was a band playing and its was difficult to have conversation, which is too bad because I would have loved to hear some of their stories. I bet they had a lot to say and they were so quiet and humble, you would have never guesses they had such stories! They had met Tania Abia (my heroe!) ANd……get this………said I reminded them and lot of her! That made my night. They encouraged me along in what I am doing and mentioned that I should really try to write an article for some of the magazines………….I should…………

(By the way, Richard actually published a little article about me in January Lattitude 38 I’m famous for a month……in S.California that is)

As the night continued, I met a fellow named Eric about my age sailing all around and I met three hombres on Canela.  Brazilians around my age, sailing around the world! Check out their blog…. They told me they had been inspired by the book Dove. Same as me! They were all a LOt of fun to get to know and I didn’t want the night to end. I also met Marie, that night. A young smart adventurous woman like myself who was crewing on another boat and getting set to head into the interior of Mexico. The Brazilians encouraged me to come back to their boat and we could all play guitar and tell our stories of traveling the world. Tempting…….but don’t know about being on a small boat with three drunk Brazilians who have been at sea for the last couple weeks!


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