Wind And Waves

Living and Loving

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Surfing and Moto’ing

January 1st, 2009 · No Comments · La Vida

Surfing! Thanks to Richard’s help, I caught wave after wave. It was incredible. I’m seriously considering being a surf bum for at least a couple weeks. I paddled so much I could hardly move but I didn’t want to stop, it was so fun! ANd the next morning…….I felt wonderful. My body wants to be active…..

Richard believes his point in life is to help people have fun. He is a master at it. I’m quite inspired by what he’s done with the magazine (Lattitude 38), organizing the bajahaha and organizing all sorts of other little events. He’s plays such a key role in getting people up and out and participating in life. He’s one of those people that almost seems bigger than life……someone who has found what he’s passionate about in the world and is doing it!

I went on a Sunday moto ride with him and a group of fun loving moto die hearts, up to Sayulita. WEEE HAAA! SO fun! I love riding on moto’s, especially in Mexico!! The road was lush, green and curvy and it felt especially wonderful because I haven’t ridden in a car for days……let alone a moto.

We had breakfast at Rollies “Breakfast in Paradise”. Rollies, is an inspiring story in itself. An elementary school principal for 20 years, retired and carried out his dream of running a breakfast restaurant in Mexico with his wife. My breakfast was DElicious and even better was the coffee. The place is filled with a loving,caring feeling, of dreams come true. (I’m taking notes for a place of my own someday…. :-))


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