Wind And Waves

Living and Loving

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January 18th, 2009 · No Comments · La Vida

Finally, the boat was ready to go! We were both SO happy to be pulling out of the marina. I can’t even tell you how happy we were! There is so much cement at the marina…..the sea brings a gentle expansiveness to life. We sailed to a little village that can only be accessed by the boat. We anchored there and had one of the most
unrestful nights of sleeping ever! The waves were so big, I nearly rolled out of my bed. Perhaps thats why, in the book, they suggest you don’t anchor over night, DOH! . But! In the morning, the sunrise was beautiful! I think perhaps it was one of the best I’ve seen. Even though I was rockin’ and rollin’ all night, I felt really good in my sleep. The lay of the land was great feng shui. Mountains swooping down into a valley and then coming into a protected little bay.


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