Wind And Waves

Living and Loving

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Moto Adventurists……..!

March 31st, 2009 · No Comments · La Vida

My plan was……..go to Lake Montebellos which I have been hearing so much about and spend a quiet few days by myself in nature, in the fresh cool air, reflecting on the last leg of my journey and revisiting my values and goals and articulating a plan. BUT……all intentions were put to the wayside when I came upon a hostel that had BMW motos loaded for traveling out front. I wanted a ride SO bad that all my shyness’s {se fue}! Ryan was very calm and capable seeming and offered me a spot on the back of his moto like it was no big deal, he even had an extra helmet. HEll Yeah!! They were leaving early the next morning for Palenque…..not exactly where I wanted to go but my desire to ride a moto far out weighed my desire to see the lakes, not to mention, that I really wanted to see the ruins at Palenque, especially after my Mayan studies at the University.

Ryan was also traveling with his dog, Lady!  You can see her in her box.  She seemed to love travel by moto along with everyone who saw her. I was in a great position to watch everyone’s reaction to her.  People’s faces broke into a big smile when they saw Lady.


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