Wind And Waves

Living and Loving

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speaking of dissipating……..!

June 1st, 2009 · 2 Comments · La Vida

My bad mood dissipated! It was like the sun came out and evaporated all the droplets. I stopped by the bookstore, quickly, to buy myself a book 🙂 (the ultimate gift to thyself :-)!) I knew exactly what I wanted because a couple days earlier, I had sat in a bookstore reading it for awhile but ended up not buying it. For the next few days, I thought about it a lot, thats when I knew I really wanted it and it wasn’t just a case of being high on caffeine and interested in anything and everything :-).

The fellow who rang me up, was deaf. Our interaction was completely out of the norm……and I loved every minute of it. A wonderful silence permeated through the interaction of a lot of gesturing and smiling and speaking with our eyes. He introduced himself by pointing to his name tag and smiling. He asked me if I was a “member” by pointing to a poster above him, advertising “membership”. He asked to see my license (I wrote a check) by pointing to my wallet, he asked my phone number by gesturing talking on a phone…………, he asked if I needed a bag by pretending to put my book in an imaginary bag. (no bag for me….no need to waste plastic)

The interaction was so fun and smooth, it made me wonder why we talk. It also made me realize how deeply you can connect over an interaction that, occurs a gazillion times in your life. you could be on autopilot and not really have to be focusing on it.

When I walked out of the bookstore……something was different. I was light on my toes….my mood was gone! I was suddenly very excited about the ominous clouds overhead, where as before I had thought of them as a hindrance to my life. What a delight. Something about gesturing and smiling a lot, as a way of communicating, and speaking with my eyes and trying to understand communication with someone else’s eyes, lifted me right out from underneath the clouds!


2 Comments so far ↓

  • Laura

    Yeah Bryan, I totally reccomend it. He’s got some interesting theories……some of which, are hard not to agree with. Its fun to think about “success” from a different perspective.
    I loved Blink 🙂 and Tipping Point, too 🙂
    Happy Reading!

  • Bryan

    I’m currently reading Blink by the same author. I’ll have to check out this book when I’m done.

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