Wind And Waves

Living and Loving

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Visiting Matt,Stephany…and RIVER!

July 9th, 2009 · No Comments · La Vida

My cousin Matt, in San Francisco is a big reason I wanted to make sure I went through San Fran. He and Stef…….and especially there new little one, River were a delight to visit! They treated me to a delicious sushi restaurant by their apartment, what a treat!

And River……I could go on and on. I kept asking them if I could hold him. He is such a cutie! Almost the entire time I saw him he was smiling. Matt and Stef say, he’s always smiling! They are so lucky to have such a precious little one….. and they know it too. It was really fun watching the two of them enjoying him. Bedtime story, with the two of them reading him Goodnight Moon, will be a special memory for me always. I’m all set to have a kid but only if he/she is as cute as River is :-)!


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