Wow. I think maybe, for once, I can empathize with people who travel and don’t like It? I’ve always loved it and coulndn’t for the life of me understand feeling any different. In fact, I felt kinda envious of people didn’t like it. What would it be like, to NOT want to ALWAYS travel? To […]
Entries from February 17th, 2010
Orlando, Floida continued
February 15th, 2010 · No Comments · La Vida
This is called the international course of Avatar. Naturally this very much attracts me and always will. Other cultures are so fantastic to experience. I was having a conversation with a fellow (from Holland) who said” culture, divides you up and prevents you from experinecing yoru WHOLE self…because there are a lot of cultural norms […]
Orlando, Florida
February 15th, 2010 · No Comments · La Vida
So here I am. By some amazing miracle (which I wasn’t sure was possible, I’ve made it here!) This is where I would like to insert a picture of Blue skies, palm trees and the pool I’ve been hanging out by at lunch time…but I can’t figure out how to upload pictures because it isn’t […]
February 9th, 2010 · 2 Comments · La Vida
Hello ~ As it is winter…….I’m hibernating and spending a lot of time reading my books and working on little projects, when I’m not working. I work from 3 till 10pm and have the mornings all to myself. I’ve really been enjoying the schedule. I don’t get lonely in the evenings because I’m working and […]
Hi! I just stumbled across this post and had to reach out. This is our boat! We purchased Marissa this…