Its all the same!! And truly fantastic ~ YIIIPEEE!!
Entries from May 17th, 2010
Unsettled? Me?…No!
May 14th, 2010 · 1 Comment · La Vida
Guess what. I think I’m unsettled. I can just hear all my good friends chuckling. When am I ever not unsettled, is really the question. At least I’m never bored, I’m mostly passionate, a bit scattered, generally happy and sometimes overwhelmed… There is So much to learn in life!!!! I’ve been dedicating each month this […]
Reading on the Cliffs
May 12th, 2010 · No Comments · La Vida
One of my very favorite things to do is; ride my motorcycle up to Golden, hike up to the cliffs, do yoga on the mesa, then perch myself on a rock with my feet dangling from the edge, the sun warming me to the core, and absorb the art of wordsmiths.
Sunny Sunday Ride
May 11th, 2010 · 1 Comment · La Vida
My Dad and I set out for a motorcycle ride early Sunday Am. To our delight, it was a beautiful warm sunny Colorado day! Especially enjoyable because of a forecast of snow later in the week. We met at his house and then roared up to a sunny coffee shop in Golden to enjoy a […]
Hi! I just stumbled across this post and had to reach out. This is our boat! We purchased Marissa this…