Wind And Waves

Living and Loving

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San Juan Skyway Part 2

June 10th, 2010 · No Comments · La Vida

In town I absorbed the scene, people watching, looking in artsy creative stores and then I found the perfect restaurant to eat dinner.  AMICAS, wood fired pizza and Mircorbrews.  YUMMY!  It was hopping! There were people everywhere.  This is the good thing about eating alone, usually you can get a seat immediately.  They sat me at the Community Table.  Community Table!  How cool is that? !  I made quick friends with the fellow who was already seated there.  In fact, my interaction with him fueled me with  an inspiration that enhanced the rest of my adventure! This fellow was the real deal.  Out in nature, exploring the back roads on his kLR650 for the pure love, of nature,motorcycling, reflecting, photography,time away from people…. I could really relate.  He had been so many places around Colorado and spent weeks camping out.  Wow! I’ve not taken my explorations that far………yet!  We were talking about how great it is to get out and travel and the different characters that you meet.   And none to soon……..In walk two rowdy, polite cowboys fresh from laying fence in the mountains.  They came in with a wild energy that had the owners watching closely…….they were ready to raise some hell for their friday night Let loose!

In the Am, we met at a coffee shop back in town and he was kind enough to fill my  map with highlights of the favorite routes he had discovered over the years.  It was a pure joy meeting this fellow. Our spirits seems so similar. I was extremely inspired, to continue my quest of understanding myself and whats important (to me) in life and committing time to doing it….AND I mean really doing it!  Just getting out there.   In the city…..its easy to spend hours talking about IT, but when you go out there and do it, you are rewarded by meeting people who are simply doing.


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