So, it seems to be that time of month when I question my life. Am I living to the full potential I’m capable? Am I a free expression, of all that is Laura? I guess, unfortunately, the answer in my head is a defeated……. no! I get wrapped up in the details of my […]
Entries from July 27th, 2010
Enjoying Nature
July 26th, 2010 · No Comments · La Vida
Here are some photos of my friends and I on Bierstadt last weekend. It was a fun climb and great to get to the mountains!
July 15th, 2010 · No Comments · La Vida
I walked into the kids (who I babysit ) Mom’s house yesterday and was so inspired by what I saw! The walls were creatively colorful and there was art work everywhere. There was one Large painting, in her living room, of a town called Jaffa, artist community on a hill, overlooking a harbor in Israel […]
Finally a visit to the Cabin
July 14th, 2010 · 2 Comments · La Vida
Me, on the gruelling hike up to my special nook in the world Eli, in the cabin, taking a breather after chopping down a dead tree with a dull ax! I hadn’t been to the cabin in more than two years and I was Thrilled to find it in the best shape ever and still…….. […]
Expose yourself
July 12th, 2010 · No Comments · La Vida
From Seth Godin’s Blog: Expose yourself… With so many options in media, interaction and venues, you now get to choose what you expose yourself to. Expose yourself to art, and you’ll come to appreciate it and aspire to make it. Expose yourself to anonymous scathing critics and you will begin to believe them (or flinch […]
Hi! I just stumbled across this post and had to reach out. This is our boat! We purchased Marissa this…