Wind And Waves

Living and Loving

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The Bucksnort Saloon

October 12th, 2010 · No Comments · La Vida

For football Sunday (last Sunday), Eli and I decided to head up to The mountains to the little saloon, up a windy narrow dirt road, along the river.  It a rustic cabin in the middle of the woods with a warm, buzzing atmosphere.  Lots of different people are attracted to this place.  You have your Sunday drive folks, your Harley bar folks, your dual sport adventure folks, your football folks, your grandmas and grandpas visiting folks, your family folks….. In the little  parking lot where someone’s driveway gets blocked from people frequenting the bar, they’ve handmade a beautiful sign letting folks know, that there is a driveway there so Please don’t block it!!

Funny things is, they spelled blocking wrong!


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