It has been raining so ALOT in Denver! It’s reminding me what it’s like to live in Portland. The sun rose this morning through a raincloud, casting off a beautiful morning light and emphasizing how GREEN everything is! Here is the scene from our upstairs balcony.
Entries from May 24th, 2011
May = Month To Make Things
May 9th, 2011 · 5 Comments · La Vida
Here are some of the projects we’ve been working on…..Pizza! Delicious With homemade crust (with our new bread maker Eli’s parents…thank you!) kale, kalamata olives ,garlic,red onion,mini portobello mushrooms and sauce,spiced up with our very own, homegrown basil and rosemary! (Heidi, this is what I’m talking about! and served on the special plates it is […]
Denver Botanic Gardens
May 2nd, 2011 · 2 Comments · La Vida
Last Friday was “free day” at the Botanic Gardens. Although we didn’t know it, we were pleasantly surprised to find this out. The Gardens are beautiful! You really get the sense, walking around that you are witness to some amazing artisans work. The craft, love,care and expertise behind these beautiful gardens must be incredible! It […]
Hi! I just stumbled across this post and had to reach out. This is our boat! We purchased Marissa this…