Wind And Waves

Living and Loving

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May = Month To Make Things

May 9th, 2011 · 5 Comments · La Vida

Here are some of the projects we’ve been working on…..Pizza!  Delicious   With homemade crust (with our new bread maker Eli’s parents…thank you!) kale, kalamata olives ,garlic,red onion,mini portobello mushrooms and sauce,spiced up with our very own, homegrown basil and rosemary! (Heidi, this is what I’m talking about! and served on the special plates it is quite an occasion :-))

A leather journal.  This is a project I love to do.  The paper is hand torn with my bone cutter. A nice fellow in Morrison, lets me have scrap pieces of leather from his upholstery shop.  I sew in all the pages and Eli figures it out where to make the holes, For the thread which makes up the pattern on the spine.Here is Eli’s Adirondack Chair!  He finished it just in time, for us to enjoy for the summer! Solid.

Here is Eli making his famous breakfast pizza!  Scrambled eggs,spinach, mushrooms, salsa and cheese! Yummy!

And a planter for our Herbs (mostly basil) that seem to be LOVING their sunny spot in the loft!

















5 Comments so far ↓

  • Charlie

    That chair is pretty rockin’ Did you make it from scratch?

  • Heidi Todd

    Breakfast Pizza — Dinner Pizza — Enough practice already.

    I think the dinner pizza looks incredible.

    Again, I rushed to my phone to check for a dial tone. Yep, still working.

    I like that you guys are committed to updating this blog.

  • Laura

    Yeah, with all those pizza boxes I saw in your apartment….I could imagine a good looking pizza would make you want one!! 🙂

  • Wesley

    I’m freaking hungry now!

  • Lyn

    The pizza looks so good! I’m glad the bread machine is getting put to good use. I love Eli’s chair. I have always wanted one. Looks like May is going to be a good month is food is what you will be making.

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