Wind And Waves

Living and Loving

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Ramen Girl

September 14th, 2013 · No Comments · La Vida

I watched the movie Ramen Girl last night and to my happy surprise, I LOVED it!

It touched on some ideas that I have been immersed in lately, since shifting my work from cubicle, mortgage,looking at a computer screen all day, to working with a craftsman (David),  repairing 100 year old windows. David shows such honor and respect on so many levels, I keep finding myself to be pleasantly surprised.  He has a magic way of being there as support in the process at just the moments that he is needed. There is definitely an art form to his way, which i find intriguing!

Melissa, who is in town for awhile working with us. Love having her around!

I did a search to see if I could find some good quotes from the Movie and here’s what I found:

You must learn to cook from a quieter place deep inside of you.  Each bow of Ramen you prepare, is a gift to your customer.  The food that you serve your customer becomes a part of them.  It contains your spirit.  Thats why your Ramen must be an expression of pure love. A gift from your heart”

and Another quote

“A bowl of ramen is a self-contained universe, with life from the sea, the mountains, and the earth. All existing in perfect harmony. Harmony is essential. What holds it all together is the broth. The broth gives life to the ramen.”

Quote from something else, that very much ties in with my thoughts lately:

“…directly productive time in our society has already been reduced to about 3½ per cent of total social time, and the whole drift of modern technological development is to reduce it further, asymptotically, to zero. Imagine if we set ourselves a goal in the opposite direction—to increase it sixfold, to about twenty per cent, so that twenty per cent of social time would be used for actually producing things, employing hands and brains and, naturally, excellent tools. An incredible thought! Even children would be allowed to make themselves useful, even old people. At one-sixth of present-day productivity, we should be producing as much as at present. There would be six times as much time for any piece of work we chose to undertake—enough to make a really good job of it, to enjoy oneself, to produce real quality, even to make things beautiful. Think of the therapeutic value of real work; think of its educational value.…Everybody would be welcome to what is now the rarest privilege, the opportunity of working usefully, creatively, with his own hands and brains, in his own time, at his own pace—and with excellent tools. Would this mean an enormous extension of working hours? No, people who work in this way do not know the difference between work and leisure. “





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