Wind And Waves

Living and Loving

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“Situated squarely in that terrifying paradise called Freedom,

March 20th, 2015 · No Comments · La Vida

precipitously out on so many emotional limbs, it was as if I had been born; and in fact I was being reborn as the woman I was to become.”

~Alice Walker

Wow.  Alice Walker is an awesome woman!  I only recently discovered, that she has written a ton of really good books, other than The color Purple, which….you know, is super intense!

I love her honesty and her calm, motherly, loving energy she puts out to the world.

In addition to Alice Walkers, Hard Times Require Hard Dancing, book of poems, I am currently reading a few spiritual books (what else is new!)  and one of the book suggest that we look at our bodies and try to understand what our life purpose is by the body we chose to inhabit for this lifetime.  An interesting thought!  I do look at myself and wonder why I am so strong and why my bones are so big…….I have a body that is designed well to be outside.  This much I understand.  If i could chose a face to have in this lifetime, I would chose Alice Walker’s!  I think she is Beautiful.  Deeply beautiful and easy to receive.  She has a kindness and a strong sense of personal sovereignty that is gripping.  She strikes me as someone who is not afraid to explore her truths deeply and speak  them, kindly, assuredly and gently.  Thank you Alice Walker!!  For being an elder, feminine role model!

Today is the first day of SPRING!!!!  To celebrate, I made a collage.  Well, it isn’t done yet but I had the opportunity to dazzle my eyes with flowers and greens and colors and blooms and blossoms and running water and sunshine! Ah spring is so delicious!

spring1I woke to the birds chirping!  One of the most beautiful sounds in the world. My tulips were alight with Sunshine.  Tulipsand I was feeling MUCH better. Thank god!  I spend all of yesterday in bed, so so sick. So today really feels like a new shining day. Everything is new. It is strange to spend the entire day in your bed.  It gives you a whole new concept on what a day is.  It feels like an eternity.  Amazing that our days feel like they go so quickly because actually they are so long!  I realized this also, on my vision quest.  How slowly, slowly the sun creeps across the sky.

I treasure the gift of time moving slowly.


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