Wind And Waves

Living and Loving

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The Dancing Queen

March 10th, 2015 · No Comments · La Vida

dancing womanI began my dance practice 2 years ago.  It has been an incredible way for me to tune into my inner landscapes and it has been scary as hell!  it has been colorful and euphoric and sometimes crippling in the way it puts me in touch with my deepest insecurities.  During some dance sessions I soar and skip and hop and in other dance sessions, I  hold my heart, as I sway and let the tears flow.  This is the way of this dance.
It is called the 5rhythms. It is body of work that Gabrielle Roth imparted to the world. Check it out!

This last Sunday was, International Woman’s Day. And how appropriate for me because  I was exploring Yin energy on this day, which often manifests in feminine qualities!  Randomly, during my dance practice, I had some revelations about femininity in my ancestral line.

So in my dance I was thinking about moving forward with my pelvic bowl, my 1st chakra.  I was thinking about relaxing and being.  And I was thinking about how feminine this quality is.

dancing And……… I was thinking about how I did not see this quality in my Grandmother, hardly ever.  She was Always doing!  Doing, doing, doing. And now her daughter is always doing, doing, doing.  I find her energy  stressful to be around.  My Dad is always doing doing doing!

and How I; am only sort of doing doing doing….. (although some friends would say otherwise) And I am busy feeling guilty for not always doing doing doing!

The doing doing doing is survival.  It is the way of the agrarian ancestors and then the ancestors who chugged through the Industrial revolution, But what about now?  The technology age?  Things are happening fast and I think the role of women and how we radiate or feminine essence is confused! I suspect my Grandmother would have loved the opportunity to BE Beautiful.  Dance. Be pampered. Take hot baths. Be the beautiful Dancer.  Sarah the gorgeous Dancer.  I can just see it.  I think this would have put more acceptance into our family line, more happiness, more yin energy more femininity.  But Grandma was always working. Working because she had four kids, working because they didn’t have a lot of money, working because her husband was always making business deals that fell through and sent them reeling, working because she felt better about herself when she was busy and in charge and in control.  This is my suspicion.

486204_629529050397272_1876048469_n-1That very delicate wispy, wimsy, strong, inspirator, beautiful Yin energy that reside in all of us, needs to be protected.  Needs protections. Needs to be housed. Need kindness. Needs room in the darkness to be a light.  And it needs to trust the Yang energy so it can feel safe to truly be itself.


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