I spent June 20th in a cabin* in the mountains * with Amy and Julia. It was a beautiful place to be with goof *and muse* I was especially happy to be there, having escaped the bustle of the busy* city, sweltering in the beginning days of good ole summer time heat.
We slept out on the deck and gazed at the wondrously beautiful sky filled with stars.
And we Ate 🙂
*cabin – very large. In fact it wasn’t a cabin it was a muy grande, open awesome house (cabin sounds better)
**mountains – lush, green,calm, delicious breezy cool air, wild life everywhere, streams burbling luring you to sleep at night
***goof – Amy
****Muse – Julia
*****Very – lots and lots and lots and lots of people seem to be moving to Denver…..lots. hmmm maybe our new marijuana laws? or the plethora of pristine mountain adventures to be had, or the art? or the music? or the good food?…..who knows. but Denver is booming and so is the traffic.

Chop Maven

Grill Master

Drink Savant

Sleep Virtuosos!
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