A big storm came through Denver yesterday. Flooding, tornadoes, huge hail and Lighting. Sooo exciting. Storms can be so utterly delicious. It came in quickly, just after we had moved my dining room table outside for the summer (thanks for your help Dad!) And he snapped some photos, so I have the rare experience of having a before and after shot! roughly 2 hours in between them.
And the one below, is during. Woopie!
At this point, people were cramming to get into a covered garage so their cars didn’t sustain hail damage (huge bits of hail were torpedoing down) and whole food employees were hectically (freaking out-edly) shuffling shocked customers into the tornado shelter (the basement) and sirens were going off and you couldn’t see a thing!! And the breeze. ah the breeze on my face as I looked out at the scene. blissful. ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT!!!
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