A call to bring our writing group together, put me in motion. Off to Denver, Union Station, Thank goodness! Through the Blue blue sky day, through the changing of the leaves. I hadn’t realized how nice it would be to get out of Paonia and see and feel different landscapes and different people. Whew! thank god. I’m feeling revived and infiltrated with a sparkle that I feared I may never feel again. Life! It’s harsh. The more desperate I get for the gentle of it…….the rougher it gets!

Then…. oh then :-). I zoomed right on past Paonia and the crescent moon guided me right to the desert. I was just in Vegas….and didn’t love being in the desert (if you can call it that) But this place! oh wow. I must have at least 10 selfies from this area over the years. Something about it! Sleeping under the expanse of stars was sooo delicious. Sunrise, so delicious. The warmth and colors and smells, so delicious :-). Big Sigh. Nature, the one thing that you can trust.

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