Halloween, exitsts in Mexico……but it has an entirely different energy about it. It is mixed in with Dia De las Muertos, a three day celebration period to honor the deceased. Because the veil is thin….this is a good time to talk, hang out, be with your loved ones who have passed. This brings a sacredness […]
Entries from October 31st, 2021
Professional Beginner
October 1st, 2021 · No Comments · La Vida
Thats me. It seems as though….. the whole “surfing thing” is not intuitive to me! I thought I would be a natural born surfer, I hoped I would! But my body and mind know the mountains and rivers, not the dynamimacy of el mar! Ha!! I am learning the ocean every day. And Every day […]
Hi! I just stumbled across this post and had to reach out. This is our boat! We purchased Marissa this…