Notes on Living a Life That Inspires Me
- The more skillful I am with my senses, the more I can utterly luxuriate in the magical, mystical, spectacles of life!
- Deepen the understanding of my short existence here on earth.
- Travel and explore the lands and peoples.
- Open to the breadth and depth of life the subtleties, the nuances. The love and beauty the fear and pain.
- Commit to finding the truth, the rawest truth that I can understand.
- Speak it. Truth is power.
- TELL MY STORY (Sing my Story. Adventure my Story. Art my Story. photograph my Story) Tell my Story!
- Feel the joy and playful radiance, that bubbles up from a deep place within.
- I am part of a living whole and I want what is best for me…. and all others at the same time. Sustainability!!
- Respect. Relationship with ALL things (shamanism :-))
- Follow the magic, and see how magical it all is and how it magically unfolds. Feel it, in terms of expansive fluidity.
- There’s open space, enter it.
- Digest my learnings, and show it wholly through who I am. Moment to moment through my actions and ways.
- Cooperation and collaboration.
- Be in service to all of life. Communion.
- Move on my inner path and don´t be swayed by the path of social conditioning
- Cultivate a rich, peaceful, and powerful inner space.
- Understand that life’s adventure (we signed up for) brings us situations and experiences(challenges!) to help us grow, deepen who we are, and evolve.
- Be where you Are.
Tom // Mar 27, 2013 at 3:08 am
Mike // Jun 30, 2010 at 5:09 am
YES!! That’s really funny, but with only one exception I can truthfully answer yes to all of those wonderful questions! By the way, I love this poem, I believe I took some photos of her when she was at Mile Hi Church a few years back.
Mike // Jun 30, 2010 at 5:08 am
YES I Can!! That’s really funny, but with only one exception I can truthfully answer yes to all of those wonderful questions! By the way, I love this poem, I believe I took some photos of her when she was at Mile Hi Church a few years back.
Anja // Apr 7, 2010 at 7:38 pm
Yeah, authentic is the word I couldn’ t find…
Laura // Apr 7, 2010 at 5:24 am
Amen, sister!! This is my life’s philosophy, it’s so…..authentic. You may like to read one of the author’s (Oriah Mountain Dreamer) books. I haven’t read one yet but I bet its inspiring.
Anja // Apr 6, 2010 at 9:33 pm
I LOVE it!!! Nothing else to say!!!