Wind And Waves

Living and Loving

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The Last Seven days At Sea!

June 26th, 2006 · No Comments · La Vida

Our friends in Cebu came down to the dock to see us off. How sad it was to have to wave goodbye…….we will probably never see them again! Such fun experiences we had together.

It was so exciting to finally set sail after all the hard work! It was such a feeling to be pulling out from the dock, especially when you’ve got good wind and your hoisting a sail and everyone is shouting.

Swim Call! Johny, taking a dive off the bow. “Notice how small the splash is” he jokes 🙂 There is an art to jumping in the water, as there an art to Everything!

It was quite refreshing to get itn the deep blue water and move our bodies around after days of only having the small sailboat to move around on. We had to swim pretty hard to keep up with the boat.We we a little nervous about underwater creatures but the only big thing we’ve seen so far has been dolpins……lots of dolphins! Occasionally 3 or 4 of them will swim with along bow. Watching them evokes the playfulness in us all.

The sunsets are killer out here. This one was hard to capture but the electric orange shone out so brightly it seemed unreal.

Alright Jeremy, I’m ready to learn about sailing! Teach me all that you know.

Here’s a look inside the galley. Mostly we sleep/eat/hang out on top because it gets so hot inside and its much more pleasant outside.

This is our dinner scene. Tonights dinner is fresh fish! We flagged down a fishing boat because we needed to use a battery (ours died) so we could start our engine. They helped us out and then to top it off, they gave us fish. In exchange, we gave them our bottle of Tanguay rum (the drink of the Philippines).

Here we all are! Enjoying ourselves in our own ways


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