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A Trip To Brunei

September 14th, 2006 · No Comments · La Vida

Here are Ana and Courtney while we are underway. They are two of the most talented girls I have met. Courtney at 14 is already quite a writer and sees the world through the perspective of potential stories. Its very interesting to read her writing and and see how she creates characters who then create social dynamics and situations…..she seems to have picked up so much about the world already! She asks in-depth questions about the roots of things going on around her so she can then add the intricate details to her story. She is quite a talented artist!

Ana and I sat down one day at my computer and I was fascinated as I leaned over her shoulder and watched her learning process as she navigated Dreamweaver. She was so quick, interested, creative and fearless about it. And yet, still in an 11 years old kind of way! (the whole website she made was about her :-)!) Its going to be very interesting to see where their life’s path leads them!


We arrived at the yacht club in Brunei and were quite excited to find out how accomodating it was. The Library was pretty impressive, Ana, Courtney and I dissapeared for awhile (good books are so enjoyable in the sailing world and sometimes hard to find!) they had a washing machine, and a breezy deck to enjoy meals on as well.
The sail trip turned out to be an unbelievable experience. We set ancor twice and took our sweet time. We caught a huge fish and Liz, (Ana’s mom) prepared some of it as sushimi with lemon and wasabi (I never thought I would love raw fish so much!) Being in Liz’s, presence was inspiring. Everything she does, she seems to do an excellent job at. A quality that is so beautiful to see and quite magnetic. Her cooking was delicious and the presentation was beautiful. Hearing about the family stories of different lands, and peoples around the world and laughing with them all into the evenings, will be something I remember forever. Ana showed me the delights of sitting on the very edge of the bow and listening to headphones! Ana’s Dad, Colin, taught me all sorts of things about sailing (some of which went over my head). But at least now I have had some exposure! In the mornings Liz and Colin were up early making coffee and listening to the radio. It was so comforting having the hustle and bustle in the morning and I realized how much I missed that part of my child hood. Once we reached Brunei, it was time to tear myself away from this great family, whom had taught me so much in so little time. They welcomed me to their home in Thailand and Colin mentioned that he may be needing crew for the Regatta coming up in a month or two……

Each Sultan has a mosque built for him. This is the mosque that was built for the 28th sultan!

Water taxi is the best way to get around the water village. There are dozens of them and its a wonder they don’t crash. Riding them is quite a thrill, especially at sunset when all the colors are illuminated and you can feel the breeze on your face and hear the imam from the mosque calling everyone to come prey.

I missed the connection with Steve, due to a misunderstanding(?) between Johny and I. Bummer! I’m kind of suspicious that Johny didn’t want the meeting to take place. Who knows! Hopefully someday I will get to meet Steve. I explored Brunei on my own for a couple days and then met up with Johny and we explored it further. What a magical place!


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