Wind And Waves

Living and Loving

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Sat 75 degrees. Sun 5 inches of Snow

March 2nd, 2008 · No Comments · La Vida

Have I mentioned how much I LOVE Colorado!
This Saturday felt like summer! Wes and I went on a motorcycle ride up to the mountains. It was incredible. Feels like ages since I’ve gotten on the moto and it felt wonderful. So smooth. Life and worries just slid away and I was immersed in motion and beauty as if it was me.
We found a neat little coffee shop in the mountains and stopped for a chat and a refreshing coffee drink. On the ride back I had my buzz going from the mocha and I had headphones on while Wes was in the back playing d.j for me with the ipod. What a great brother! And trusting to let me drive a fantastic curvy mountain road, high on mocha and great music……………….
Heres a video, from a fellow riding through Europe on his motorcycle. It lightly captures what it feels like to ride to music! VIDEO (if you get a euphoric feeling watching this video…..get a moto and GO!)

And then Sunday it snowed……..all day. This picture was at sunrise…..


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