Wind And Waves

Living and Loving

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December 22nd, 2008 · No Comments · La Vida

I made this for myself to help keep me “centered” Sometimes when I travel, I start to feel a little off center. There is so much going on that is new, so many different people to talk to, coming from such different walks of life and a very relaxed lifestyle that is……….just different than I’m used to. I’ve been trained my whole life to get up early go to school,go to soccer. Then get up early go to work,come home regroup and go back to work. Its interesting getting to know another “way” of life. I’m really enjoying the time to get to know people and spend time on creative projects and listening to music and staring off into sea and feeling the strength and magnitude of nature. I can feel the little things becoming more important. I’m savoring this, it feels like a very special time to me and I think I am very lucky.


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