Wind And Waves

Living and Loving

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Sayulita…..a surfing town

January 11th, 2009 · No Comments · La Vida

Sayulita is a buzzing little  gringo surf town.  Lots of fun!  Lots of beach, lots of surf, lots of good looking people,lots of coble-stone streets, lots of good little coffee spots…lots of people.  And there is the famous Coco Banana.  There logo is surprisingly similar to Starbucks.  Why?  Are they imitating it? Are they owned by it? Did Starbucks imitate them. Is is coincidence?  Do they have the same marketing company?  These are the types of things I’m thinking about when I “zone out”!  If anyone knows the answers, I’d be super curious to know.

After our wonderful stay will Heather and David…..Ann, Paul and I took the bus to Sayulita.  On our way, we had to change busses and a nice fellow offered to take us the rest of the way.  We went from treking with our luggage to some far away unknown bus stop and waiting for who knows how long………… cruising in the back of a pick-up, breeze on our face.

An inspiring writing spot, listening to the waves and writing in candle-light with my toes wiggling in the sand 🙂


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