Here is a company from Great Britain that is really inspiring. I’ve never heard of these smoothies before but apparently they are quite popular. Check out the U-tube video to listen to their philosophy. Its inspiring! Their company is a “green” company but according to the owner, its not because it could drive sales up but because he wants people to bring themselves to work, their care and concerns about the environment and be in integrity with what they do all day. He wanted to be surrounded by passionate people, who care about these things! This is a major motivation I have in my desire to start a business…….create a little world within a world that has your ideals and attracts people who have the same!
Hi! I just stumbled across this post and had to reach out. This is our boat! We purchased Marissa this…
Laura // Apr 28, 2010 at 5:28 am
Ali ~
Yeah! congratulations 🙂 I have to talk to you soon. I’m so curious to hear about it.
AND I heard that you made a trip down to Costa Rica??!
Ali // Apr 28, 2010 at 2:53 am
Hi Laura!
I saw that you stopped writing for a while and hadn’t checked back in a few months. It’s really nice for me to be able to see what you’ve been up to. I hope all is well and I’d love to catch up sometime…Our thoughts are aligned in many ways. I’ve been thinking about you a lot because I’m actually about to accept a position at an Expeditionary Learning school and I have you to thank for mentioning them to me in the first place. Miss you!