Wind And Waves

Living and Loving

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Sunny Sunday Ride

May 11th, 2010 · 1 Comment · La Vida

My Dad and I set out for a motorcycle ride early Sunday Am.  To our delight, it was a beautiful warm sunny Colorado day!  Especially enjoyable because of a forecast of snow later in the week.  We met at his house and then roared up to a sunny coffee shop in Golden to enjoy a cup of coffee and breakfast before heading up into the mountains.  At the coffee shop, we ran into my Dad’s boss and his family  We sipped our coffee and visited with them and got to know their cute little girls  who were all dressed up in pretty pink dresses for Mothers Day.  While we were chatting with them, I was glancing around and when my eyes set on a familiar face my heart leaped out of my chest….. There was my x-boyfriend sipping a cup of coffee with……..his new girlfriend?  Wow. Of all the different coffee shops in the areas and all the different times on the weekends WHY do we have to be at the same coffee shop at the same time??? What are the chances?

I completely ignored the situation and only let on to my Dad about it  afterward, when I was putting oil in my motorcycle my hands were shaking.  “Whats up, he asked?”  “Matthew was at that coffee shop, I said.”  grrrr.

So, now the open roads, the grand mountains peppered with snow,the fresh air smelling of blooming lilacs and cherry blossoms, the rushing creek, the blue skies were beckoning and I could hardly wait to settle comfortably onto my bike and carve up the beautiful scenery and synthesize this thing we call……Life.

There was nothing, I would have rather been doing.


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