It was a beautiful Colorado snow skiing day and I was in heaven on the slopes. I hadn’t been snowboarding for about 5 seasons (?) Knowing that Bryan and his family were really good skiers I was a little nervous about holding them up. But just one minute on my board and it was like I had gone only yesterday. It was incredible!! And I started thinking about all my skiing trips and realized that skiing (snowboarding) has been a big part of my life. It has shaped me in so many ways. When I was little, conquering my fear of heights by forcing myself to mount the chairlift each time, which was a HUGE lesson for me. Snowboarding offers a total release, escape and utter freedom, I rediscovered this weekend, to my delight. You can be WILD and FAST, with no repercussions (ie speeding tickets! doh)
So, why don’t I go snowboarding anymore? I’ve got these beautiful mountains right in my backyard……I’m not entirely sure…its a little crazy to spend most my Colorado time muddling in the city. But then……….there is the TRAFFIC problem. ICK!!!
Mom // Mar 7, 2012 at 8:31 pm
You got the answer right there, Laura! On film!