Wind And Waves

Living and Loving

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Craving COLOR! today……

May 11th, 2012 · No Comments · La Vida

so I went through my pictures (and took the dirty dancing one from the internet) and found a good quote from my book.  Enjoy!

“But colors are not possessions: they are the intimate revelations of an energy. “Colours are the deeds and sufferings of light,” wrote German poet and dramatist Johann Wolfgang von Geothe. They are light wasves and mathematically precise lengths, and they are deep, resonant mysteries with boundless subjectivity.

Colors challenge language to encompass the. (It cannot; there are more sensations than words for them. Our eyes are far ahead of our tongues.) Colors bear the metaphors of entire cultures. They convey every sensation from lust to distress. They glow fluorescent on  the flanks of a fish out of the water, then flee at its death. They mark the land of a woman deity who controls the soft desert rain. Flowers use colors ruthlessly for sex.

Moths steal them from their surroundings and disappear. An octopus commincates by color; an octopus blush is language. Humans imbibe colors as antidotes to emotional monotony. Our lives, when we pay attention to light, compel us to empathy with color.” – from Ellen Meloy’s excellent book, The Anthropology of Turquoise.


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