Wind And Waves

Living and Loving

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On the road for a looong weekend

August 6th, 2012 · No Comments · La Vida

Life on the road, occupies a magical place.  The world cracks open, I’m infused with beauty every step of the way, whether its what I’m looking at, the conversation I’m having with the new person I’ve met or the feeling of oneness with my motorcycle as I carve through the mountains,the ribbon of road, fast disappearing as I fly over it.  The cooler air washes over me, and the smell of pine and leaves, revitalizing me.  It is heaven on earth, I tell you.  Absolutely heaven.

My first sunset on the road: I took this as a big welcome, from the gods.

And so much happened in between that I need to report but this is what I woke up to this morning:  coffee at a place that friend introduced me to (Thanks Brew!) that makes a good shot of espresso and has a happy making atmoshpere)

and a fellow I met who is going from Mexico to Canada on his motorcycle, via the Contentinal Divide Trail.  AWESOME!!  and even cooler…..he made his luggage and his seat and he was super mellow about the huge adventure he was on.  More on him……Today has been an excellent day!


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