Hmmm I stole them from the internet…a website on Shamanism 🙂
I LOVE this photo. Not sure exactly why I connect, but wow.
“i am a million colors and one
i blow the wind of Dragon Fire:
luminescence surreal.
i fancy foreign fates in the snap of my wrist,
flicker fun forms in the twilight of my eyelash;
i reflect more possibilities than a mansion of mirrors,
i refract, contemplate unknown and
make invisible the plain surrender.
i cast wonder wander nets on the landscape of Journey,
Death perched high on left shoulder,
whispering painless joys:
i am simple only if you catch me…
but that is like grasping the moonlit sea at dawn:
a cyclical miracle
i belong to no one
and i give nothing,
take what is mine
and leave all behind
Goddess Warrior Create
…the endless laugh
that crashes jest
on your thirsty shores…”
~Katalin Koda ~
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