Wind And Waves

Living and Loving

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This! Esta!

October 22nd, 2017 · No Comments · La Vida

Shari Ubechel (awesome artist in Taos, NM)

{Below} is how I look out onto world. (a tough way to see the world.  Why do I look at it this way soo much?!)

Wow, I love his wordsmithery.  {Russell Brand}

“Here in our glistening citadel of limitless reflecting

screens we live on the outside. Today we may awaken

and instantly and unthinkingly reach for the phone,

its glow reaching our eyes before the light of dawn,

its bulletins dart into our minds before even a

moment of acknowledgement of this unbending

and unending fact: you are going to die.

You and your children and everyone you love is hurtling toward the

boneyard, I know you know. We all know but because it yields so few

‘likes’ on Facebook, we purr on in blinkered compliance, filling our

days with temporary fixes. A coffee here, an eBay purchase there, a

half-hearted wank or a flirt. Some glinting twitch of pleasure, like a

silvery stitch on a cadaver, to tide you over. And you’re probably too

clever to ‘repose in God’, or to pick up some dusty book where the

poetry creaks with loathing for women, or gays or someone. Maybe

if quantum physics could come up with some force, or web, or string

or something that tethers the mystery to something solid, something

measurable, you’d think again but until then there’s nothing but an

empty grave and a blank tombstone, chisel poised. So no one’s going

to blame you if you perch on a carousel of destructive relationships

and unfulfilling work, whirling round, never still, never truly looking

within, never really going home”

I wonder…..How do we live a life of meaning?




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