Wind And Waves

Living and Loving

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June 10th, 2006 · No Comments · La Vida

Here is CONTESSA! Where six of us will be living and bobbing around at Sea for at least three weeks. Isn’t she beautiful :-)??

Inside Contessa, Aimee and I are grouting the table tile so food chunks don’t get in the cracks and start to smell. If you’ll notice, we are doing it all wrong (your not suppose to use your fingers!) but that is the great thing about the project we can do pretty much whatever we want however we want! We had a great time finding a tile store and then doing charades with the friendly sales people for all the materials we needed. Aimee and I were both drawn to a tile with a wave pattern on it, so we took a couple of the brown tiles (blah) out of the table and replaced them with the wave pattern one. It didn’t fit quite right so we filled it in with shells we collected. If you ask Aimee and I, it looks pretty darn good. Some others think it looks a little tacky……whatever with them!

There are colorful Jeepney’s the (kings of the roads) that will take you anywhere you want to go! Apparently they originated as jeeps left
over from when the U.S. Army had control of the islands, afterwards they painted them and turned them into little buses.

Captain Johnny (driving) Was able to get a hold of a moto for the day so we could drive around to different stores and get parts for the engine. Jhoon (fellow on back) is a local who has been tremendously helpful in showing us the different stores to go to to get all the random stuff we need. Today, the exhaust system was the issue. The solution? Put together a car exhaust system and stick it in the Contessa. Never been done or seen or even heard of by Jonny or Jeremy………or anyone around. bUT hEY! This is all about creativly,cheaply and quickly making it work.

Jeremy, enjoying a cold soda in a glass bottle. If we’re lucky, a villager comes up in a bicycle cart to sell us cold coke (only 20cents) A most appreciated break, after working hard (or reading hard!) in the sun.

Here’s Bryan during our big grocery shopping trip.(Isn’t the shopping cart hilarious!) He helped us buy our food and then was off to catch the ferry. The group dynamic was one he wasn’t getting used to (it is hard existing tightly with 6 people all day everyday…where the main agenda is to bring Contessa to life!) and so he decided his trip would be better enjoyed exploring the different tropical islands (So much to See!) He was a great help to our team, it was sad to see him go. Check up on him at

Captain Johnny (quite lovable) , smiling at the camera and spilling oil over the engine part. oops! That was hilarious. When you ask him about pirates he says ” Sheet no problim, I a pirate” and smiles. He’s Indonesian and lots of the pirates out there are Indonesian, this is how I’m chosing to interpret this!
He’s much more concerned with terrorism and our route is plotted specifically to miss particular parts where terrorism is more of a threat.

Tomorrow we have been invited to eat Brunch at Mrs. Porter’s house (owner of the little marina we are staying at) We are all quite excited about seeing her house and getting more exposure to the culture and tasting one of her delicous (supposedly!) meals.


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