Wind And Waves

Living and Loving

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Off To Singapore……..hopefully!

June 15th, 2006 · No Comments · La Vida

So its Friday and we are just about ready to set sail. Things are very exciting around the boatyard as we’re carrying out the last minute things that need to be done. Our plan was to leave Thursday, but things weren’t quite ready and the superstition surrounding sailing says never leave port on Friday………So Saturday Morning is our Day. Its going to be sad to leave our community of people in the boatyard that we’ve gotten to know. At the same time the idea of sailing and seeing new places is quite thrilling.

While in Cebu, we payed Lena a small amount of money and she cooked us our dinneres every night. We always looked forward to our good home cooked meal at the end of the day.

chief Lapu-Lapu
Here is what Lonely Planet has to say……….”A few sniggers must have gone around the royal palace when news reached Spain of Ferdinand Magellan’s demise. It was 1521, and poor old Ferdinand had done the hard bit for his adopted country (he was Portuguese by birth). He’d sailed around the world. He’d quelled a mutiny. He’d landed in Samar and named and claimed the Philippines for Spain. And on Cebu, a vital trade centre, he’d carefully befriended all the scariest tribal chiefs – or so he thought. there was one chief, Lapu -Lapu of Mactan, who wasn’t so easily impressed. So what did Ferdinand do? He oredered 60 of his most bloddthirsty soldiers to suit up, along with 1000 obedient Cebuano warriors, and in a huge flotilla he sailed to Mactan to have a word with this Lapu-LOapu fellow. In a rush of pure European blood, he even told the Cebuano warriors to sit back, relax, and learn how the civilised world dealt with troublesome natives. But Lapu-Lapu and his men defended their island with unimagined ferocity, and Ferinand was soon back on his boat – fatally wounded by a spear to his head, a poisoned arrow to his head, a posoned arrow to his leg and a mighty blow to his pride.”

Our last day before we sail, Aimee and I decided to get away from the boat and explore one of the islands! Torino (our favorite moto man! He’s very connective and fun to ride with) We found ourselves at a resort easily intrigued by the ritzy glamour but quite off put by the facade of it all. Especially after the integrated sort of experience we’ve been having.

Morning time in Contessa. Looking over the scene and figuring out all the logistics of what needs to be done so we can set sail sooner…… rather than later!

Eddie and Kokoi hanging out at the bunckhouse.

Captain Johnny, working on our Waterlock ( I bet you didn’t realize a car muffler could be a waterlock!) Captain Johny has one of the best attitudes of anyone I’ve ever met. He is hilarious and quietly optomistic and innovatine in each situation that arises. We are all quite excited to experience sailing with him.

So the people in the boatyard next to Contessa, are part of a modeling underwater photo escapade! Apparently, underwater photos of models are quite popular in Japan. So our neighbors go on “trips” where they pile a bunch of models on board and go to beautiful tropical places around the Philippines and take lots fo pictures that they turn into Calendars/magazines…….you name it! So one day, Eddie got into the models clothes and had himself a grand old time!

Jeremy, working on cutting out the exhaust pipe. This project lasted an entire day and was quite difficult…………but we got it!

Tony ‘s ( one of our Crew members) wife, has been living with us and helping us……..mostly cooking and man oh man! is she a good cook. She has been an inspiration to me to be more resourceful with what you have around you to work with. This morning she bargained with the local fishermen and got fresh crabs, squid and prawns. She cooked up a delicious breakfast for us all! (For the Americans, this was a little odd after our bowl of lucky Stars cereal) but a real treat.

Aimee enjoying (the cutest carton of icecream) On these HOT days, icecream is the best treat ever!

Aimee and I went to the supermarket to shop for the provisions for 3 weeks and six people. This was quite a task for us, not recognizing the food selection, and walking around the CROWDED supermarket with two full shopping carts. This little girl stuck by our side and helped us for the entire 3 hours we were there. Its was strange how natural it felt to have her help, like we had done this a million times with her. It was sad looking out the taxi window and waving goodbye.

We had so many groceries that we bottle necked their system. Doh!

Flying by on a moto, I tried to capture the scene on the street. You see these tricyles everywhere and they are usually quite packed! Lots of fun to ride in, though sometimes it feels like the moto pulling them is going to explode because the load is soo heavy. THese motos seem to run and run and run and run!


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