Wind And Waves

Living and Loving

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Morrison, Colorado

July 11th, 2008 · No Comments · La Vida

Julia and I have been hanging out a lot this summer and having an amazing time. It seems that whenever we get together, some kind of crazy unpredictable adventure unfolds. This night (we were going for a mellow night because its been so busy) we decided to go to Morrison and explore all the back streets. We walked up and down the streets of Morrison for almost two hours. Fantasizing about living in the little cottages along the river, seeing how so much love was put into these little homes…..obviously works of passion for the owners. We found an old school house and wondered what it would have been like to go to school there. Morrison is a special place and the more I focus on it, the more I realize how special it is. You can tell from the airplane that this place is unique. It is the transitional land from the plains to the front Range mountain range. Its lush and green and has beautiful red rock jutting out, creating a stunning scene. The land has creeks flowing through it and rolling hills. Its beautiful

We stopped at a restraunt for a glass wine and easily melted into the breezy patio, candle lighting atmosphere, with our waiter (also the owner ) who was an self declared “mutt” He had a thick Italian accent, which enhanced the atmosphere. As we were getting ready to leave, he charismatically suggested we check out the patio upstairs, his work of art. It was amazing. As soon as I stepped foot up there, I left Colorado and went to a tropical island in the Pacific somewhere. And there was a fire place up there and an acletic group of people around it. Eventually we entered the conversation with group of Characters around the fire and five hours later, we had to go because the bar was closing. It was soo fun!! We were talking about dreams and countries we wanted to travel to. I met a fellow who had traveled around the world for 10 years and as it turned out………my brothers knew him (which meant I knew WAY to much about him!) Another fellow around the fire, it turned out, had gone to High School with us. It was so invigorating making all these connections and integrated conversation, in the back drop of a tropical luxury resort setting with an Italian, Charismatic fellow, jumping all around orchestrating it.

I love to travel and explore new lands and people but I know that this lends to a feeling of deep loneliness for rooted connections. As I’m getting closer to traveling……I’m valuing my rooted connections more and more.


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