Wind And Waves

Living and Loving

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Cabo to La Paz

November 19th, 2008 · 1 Comment · La Vida

Here is the boat I crewed on from Cabo to La Paz, named Marissa, a Tayana. A Beautiful boat with a teak interior. I was excited that Walter (part owner of the boat) was from Portland. On our trip we enjoyed Stumptown Coffee freshly ground in a hand grinder from (Albania….?) It became our ritual to grind the coffee each morning, for our fresh cup of coffee along with reading/writing or conversation. I so enjoyed this quality ritual each morning.

Here’s Walter, part Captain/part owner of the boat! We had a great time exploring the striking islands outside of La Paz, together. Wandering all around like playful kids, looking at everything. And of course, the sailing was quite enjoyable as well! In the middle of the night at one point, our sails were flogging along….and had been doing so for awhile (its hard to be in a hurry sailing) and while I was at the helm (on my nigh watch) wind came out of nowhere and brought us to 6 knots. After about 30 minutes it left as soon as it had come. It was a magical moments for me to feel the wing come and go so definitively. Walter shared my enthusiasm of this precious wind window. Upon waking…….Lee (see picture below) was upset to see that we had diverted a few degrees from our course.

It’s a different experience out there for every sailor…..I’m learning. Lee was ready to get to La Paz and me? I could care less if we didn’t get there for another 2 weeks (that is, as long as we had water :-))

And here is sexy Lee, my crew mate. She is from Canada (I have been meeting so many Canadians) and spent 15 years in England. She has sold everything she owns, house,car and committed the next years of her life to traveling the world, crewing on boats. When we were in Cabo, a magazine came down to do a photo shoot of her because she is featured in their magazine.

While Walter and I hiked and snorkeled around a couple islands, she stayed back on the boat and wrote an article about travelers She had a very articulate thoughtful way of describing them. “Seekers” she wrote…….. I loved it. Her words felt like an inspiring framework for my current existence. I asked if I could have a copy for my blog. “Hell No!” was her basic reply “Its going to be published”. I was taken aback at first but then had an exciting feeling that, words, besides affirmation and inspiration can ALSO have monetary awards. 🙂

We sailed for a couple days and decided to anchor for a few days and hang out exploring. The islands off of La Paz are fairly popular, with striking beauty and lots of snorkeling, diving,kayaking to do. It was such a thrill for me exploring the islands. The terrain was so familiar….(like Moab) But so different! Huge Saguaro cactus all the way down to the most turquoise color water I have ever seen

We also snorkeled for a few hours around a reef off the island. I find that life under the ocean scares me! All the brainy,pointy things. Lee and Walter assured me nothing would get me……….but still……..what a strange world it is beneath the surface of the ocean.

Sunset from our cockpit. It is truly amazing to be outside immersed in the environment ALL the time. You are right there for every sunrise and sunset. Its like camping out 24/7 but you’ve got a nice galley (kitchen) bed and couch. I find the rocking motion of the boat to be quite comforting. THe leisure evenings and mornings of visiting and reading are dreamy. And food for me is becoming so much more of an art form. Lee, (by the way) is an AMAZING cook 🙂 yum.The

The time we spent at the islands had to come to an end.  I was bummed about having to leave……….but also, excited about seeing the infamous capital of Baja……..La Paz!!  First stop….a cold margarita.  Such a tasty treat,especially when you have live music to listen to.  The whole time I felt like I was still on the boat (it took a day for that feeling to go away

And then (after laundry and cleaning the boat) time to explore La Paz!!


One Comment so far ↓

  • Shannon

    Hi! I just stumbled across this post and had to reach out. This is our boat! We purchased Marissa this past september (2018). 🙂 we’re so happy to see a bit of her past!

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