Wind And Waves

Living and Loving

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One of many……..grand views!

June 30th, 2009 · 2 Comments · La Vida

After a super windy night of camping and some hot temps and some getting used to the moto….We arrived in Yosemite. I was not NEARLY prepared for the GRANDNESS I would be enveloped in for the next week. All I could say the time was “Its SO grand”. The trees are towering, the rock faces stiking, the valley with the beautiful river babbling through……it is really incredible. I understand why people come from all over the world to see this place. AND my complaint………too many fricken people! Traffic jams everywhere, restaurants,hotels,impossible to get into….But I kept thinking….I’m just glad all these people are putting themselves in this grand environment. I think its really good for your soul and we are lucky that people took early measures to protect it!


2 Comments so far ↓

  • Anja

    Where are you now?!?

  • Phil Perkins

    Laura, I used to go there way back when they had the fire falls. Then there were only tent cabins and tent space to camp in. We really had the valley floor to ourselves. Of course that was the fifties and sixties.

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